Ronne Mariah

Massage therapist treating a client.


Experience the ultimate in relaxation and rejuvenation

Warm Bamboo Massage is a unique new therapy from Ronne Mariah that relaxes tight muscles – instantly and painlessly. It’s an effective way to release stress and tension, relieve aches and pains, loosen tight muscles, and improve sports performance.

With Warm Bamboo, the results go deeper and last longer than with other massage techniques. And the best part is that it feels great! 

Gently heated pieces of smooth bamboo are used for kneading tight muscles and rolling out tension. As the soothing heat penetrates the muscles it triggers the body’s automatic relaxation response, making it easier to access the underlying muscles.

That’s when Ronne’s skilled, sensitive hands do their magic and work out even the deepest knots --painlessly. The results are incredible. Muscles get looser, joints and become more flexible and an amazing sense of well being washes over you. Ahhhh… suddenly the tension is gone! 

Whether your tight muscles are caused by stress, exercise, injury, or simply sitting at the computer all day, a Warm Bamboo Massage will melt away even your most stubborn knots and tension.

You’ll feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed – a sensation that will last long after the massage is over.

Schedule a warm bamboo massage today. Or combine it with any of Ronne’s other health enhancing treatments and experience how good your can really feel. 

Pain and tension melt away with Warm Bamboo Massage